How long has it been since you’ve had an epic night of sleep?

epic (ep·ic) particularly impressive or remarkable.

If you’re drawing a blank, keep scrolling!

Brought to you by the author of
The Calm & Cozy Book of Sleep

You knew falling asleep peacefully while the world around you goes bonkers wouldn’t be easy, but you didn’t quite expect this.

You’ve been wearing your blue light glasses every evening, and your diffuser is ready to pump out your favourite calming essential oil blend, but falling asleep feeling relaxed and prepared for restful sleep? That's a different struggle entirely, am I right?

If you’ve made your way here, it’s probably because you’re tired of doing everything by the book regarding your sleep habits and not getting the results. If you’re feeling frustrated, you’re not alone.

If you listened to most sleep professionals, it would be easy to assume that a restful night of sleep is as easy as checking off a list of sleep hygiene practices, but that couldn’t be further from the truth. 

And honestly? The pressure you place on yourself to sleep perfectly every night isn’t helping.

What they’re not telling you is:

The amount of effort you put in will not dictate the kind of sleep you have.

The pressure you put on yourself to fall asleep makes it worse.

I might get in trouble for saying this, but…

peaceful, restful sleep doesn’t come from following a rigid set of rules.

OK, but who am I and what makes me the expert!?

I started in the sleep industry in 2017, after improving my own insomnia symptoms, and have since become an advocate for rest and self-care. I’m the host of The Calm & Cozy Podcast and have partnered with several sleep professionals and brands, making me somewhat of a reluctant social media influencer.

I’m a coach on the Aura app, sharing my sleepy bedtime audio tracks with members who need help relaxing before bed.

After attracting a publisher on Instagram, The Calm & Cozy Book of Sleep was published in August 2020. The Calm & Cozy Sleep Kit was released two years later, and I don’t think I’ll ever get over walking into a local bookstore or home store and seeing my book in a cute sleep display.

In addition to my years of experience as a Certified Sleep Sciences Coach, I am trained and certified in Life Coaching, and teaching Meditation & Mindfulness.

“As someone who has struggled with fatigue, mild insomnia, and terrible sleep hygiene for years,
The Calm & Cozy Book of Sleep was literally life-changing within the first thirty pages. It was more informative than any of the professionals who have attempted to help me, and it was much less judgemental about it.”

No matter how exhausted you are, you lie awake in bed for hours.

You put off going to bed for as long as possible because you know it will be a struggle.

Bedtime is mentally more chaotic than peaceful.

You hear the “sleep experts” and their lists of bedtime must-dos, but most sound unrealistic and impossible. (Not to mention miserable!)

Let me take a wild guess:

What readers are saying about The Calm & Cozy Book of Sleep

“An amazing and informative book.”

“Easily the most helpful book I’ve ever read.”

“This book exceeded every expectation.”

“Beth does a wonderful job in offering useful and practical advice.”

“What a delightful little book filled with great tips.”

“Love this glorious guide to better sleep!”

What if we could take the most amazing, informative, glorious, and helpful topics from the book and put them into practice… like, right now?

Let’s dare to dream for a moment…


As bedtime approaches, you’re relaxed and looking forward to getting into bed.

You fall asleep quickly and easily. No drama.

If you awake once or twice to change positions or empty your bladder, you fall asleep without a struggle.

You wake up naturally without an alarm and feel like you slept well.

You drink coffee because you like the taste, not because you need it to get through the day.

I mean...that would be pretty freakin’ great, right?!? It’s possible.
It’s not just possible; you’re about to have the FORMULA to make this your everyday life.

I know it’s doable because I’ve done it and helped others like YOU do it too.

So, how can I help YOU?

Private Coaching

This might surprise you, but I don’t have coaching fees.

I want to talk to you, find out what you need, and see how I can help. Then, we’ll discuss a pricing plan that fits your budget.

It might work better for us to meet over a text messaging app because you’re busy (and you hate video), or maybe you prefer to work through my Calm & Cozy Online Course and have me on standby to help when needed. Whatever it is, we’ll figure it out together.

Fill out the form below with a little about yourself and what you’re looking for, and let’s see if we’d be a good fit.

The Calm & Cozy Sleep Course

The Calm & Cozy Sleep Course Bundle includes an entire six-module course in the form of a PDF workbook and two guides I’ve put together to help you get your best sleep.

This package is easy to read on any device, printable, and editable. With the potential to be a high-priced online coaching program, I’m offering it as an inexpensive download that you can access whenever you need it. There are no timelines or dripped content. You can work through the content in your own time, at your own pace.


The Calm & Cozy Sleep Course
My comprehensive 100-page, 6-module PDF workbook, worksheets, and a never-before-seen section on creating a peaceful sleep space with paint colours. 

The Self-Care Handbook

A 24-page PDF guide to fitting more self-care into your daily routine, emphasizing sleep as self-care.

Write to Sleep; A Journaling Guide and Workbook
A 30-page editable or printable PDF guide with an introduction to journaling, followed by several pages of creative journal prompts to get you started.

“What life could you be living if you weren’t tired all the time?”